Thursday, April 24, 2014


  Blogging is something that really enjoy! I love reading others blogs as well, however, I fail miserably at posting once or twice a week. I am so busy between my two jobs, my wonderful husband, and two pups that need my love and attention that I constantly put this on the back burner. I feel like I should focus on making this a priority though, It helps me vent and talk about things that are constantly going through my mind.
Y'all see this sidewalk? Well I want you to know that I have worked my butt off on this thing! Yes my husband did help, but from hauling the border rocks from a rock pile in the woods to the stepping stones this has been my latest project. I am sooo proud of this! We needed something because we live on a dirt road and I was honestly tired of tracking all that stuff in my house. I still track some, but not near as bad. My crazy pup Remi thinks that she is JAWS and seriously terrorizes any and everything that we try to put out. She has an obsession with eating things especially plastic so my solar lights did not last long (the cheapie ones anyway) I has invested in more durable ones that have yet to be placed in the yard. We will just have to wait and see how that goes...
      Don't let their cute faces fool you Banjo(top) and Remi(bottom) are two of the most spoiled rotten dogs on this earth! I sure do love my fur babies even if they do tear things up and dig up my plants!

I just can't help myself, I just love him!!!

   And well, this fine fella right here is my partner in crime and my hunk of a firefighter! He will probably kill me for posting these pictures but I don't care. I love him and these pictures capture exactly what it is about him that I love. His ability to be some composed and together at all times. That man has had my heart since we were in middle school. We dated on and off all throughout high school and college but he has always been there for me. These past few months have been a whirlwind because he has been studying his butt off (between 3 jobs mind you) for a chance at an Engineer promotion at the Fire Department. Well at 4:30pm on Friday April 4th he got the call that he has gotten the position! Boy was I proud of that man! I am always proud of him and everything that he had accomplished but this was different. I think it was because it was an advancement to create a secure foundation for us to hopefully sooner rather than later start a family on. (give us a few years!) He is such a supportive man and even though we are both hard headed I would want to be on this journey through life without him! God knew exactly what he was doing when he put Jason into my life, and I will forever be grateful.
This is a picture of us from 8th grade! Ohhh my I had serious brace face and he was all cute and baby faced! 

Now that spring/summer is upon us we are going to be planting out garden and continuing to do some exterior improvements to our home! i love this time of year and I can't wait to update y'all on what is next to come! Hopefully my next entry will consist of LOTS of blooming flowers! :) 

Oh Happy Day! Enjoy your Thursday, and remember to always tell your loved ones those three little words; I Love You!

Always ~ Krista

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